
David T. Connelly

Oct 10th, 2023

David T. Connelly

David Thomas Connelly passed away at his home in Yarmouth Port on October 10, 2023. David was the youngest of Barbara Kelly Connelly and Arthur Mark Connelly’s three children. David was born on February 1, 1964 in Boston, MA. Doctors diagnosed Dave with Down Syndrome and recommended institutionalization, a common practice at the time. Barbara and Arthur adamantly refused and brought David home to grow up with his siblings Kelly and Mark.

And what a well-lived life he had! Dave’s life was a great illustration of the wondrous possibilities that can result when society’s preconceived notions are ignored! David followed the example set by his older sibs, always adding his own “let’s go for it” attitude! This zest led Dave to climb trees (Arthur safely retrieved him), jump out of the hayloft in the barn (stitches!), leap off the pier at the Bass Hole, ride a bike (more stitches), become a proficient bowler, and compete regularly in Special Olympics. He followed his brother’s lead by becoming an altar server at Sacred Heart Chapel. He had girlfriends and attended proms and dances at every opportunity. He was a self-styled dapper guy who “loved the ladies.” Dave didn’t need much of an excuse to make an occasion a party!

David attended Dennis-Yarmouth public schools and eagerly waited for the school bus outside our home on Main Street. He loved school and always greeted strangers with, “Hi, I’m Dave!” as an icebreaker. After D-Y, David continued his education at Cape Cod Tech learning culinary skills. David was employed as a grocery bagger for over 20 years by Shaw’s, beginning when it was Angelo’s. He was a reliable employee who took his job seriously and responsibly.

David proudly served as a groomsman for sister Kelly and brother-in-law David Evans’ wedding and as a co-best man for his brother Mark’s wedding. David was thrilled to be an uncle to nephews Dylan and Ian Connelly and to his niece Lillian Evans.

David moved into a Cape Abilities group residence in 2004. He enjoyed the independence of a supported living experience. He continued to spend weekends with his parents and fly independently to visit Kelly and David in North Carolina. Dave was a spirited and loving man. He cared about people and deeply loved his family and all his relatives.

Abundant gratitude to the staff at Cape Abilities: Angela, Ken, Lynn, Mel, Michelle, Nancy, Nat, Stephanie, and Trista, and their predecessors who together fostered and supported Dave in maintaining his independence.

A Funeral Mass to celebrate David's life will be celebrated at 11 am, on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at the Sacred Heart Chapel, 32 Summer Street in Yarmouth Port. Interment will follow at Woodside Cemetery on Summer Street.

In lieu of flowers, please consider sending a donation to Cape Abilities 895 Mary Dunn Road Hyannis, MA 02601 or

Guest Book

John Thome
Sunday - Oct 22, 2023 12:00 am

Condolences to Kelly and Mark. David always made me smile! I was his baby sitter when I was in my early teens. Yes he was a lady’s man! Enjoyed seeing him walking along 6A and getting a big wave from him.

Jackie Wieland
Saturday - Oct 21, 2023 12:00 am

I absolutely adored Dave - he was so much fun to be around - always smiling and so positive. We all can learn from his wonderful attitude. We will truly miss him at the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays we shared together. We all know that the good Lord is smiling upon his dear life.

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